Digital Workshops
Mini workshops designed as a crash course into particular topics.
The Choreography of Presenting
This is an overview of the book by Claudette Landry and Kendall Zoller. It is the foundation of Communicative intelligence and offers compelling stories of communication in action. You can explore any chapter in any order as you develop your communicative capabilities.
7 Gems for Classroom Management
From Michael Grinder this is a foundational set of skills for any teacher in any classroom. Learn the 7 Gems that lead to getting attention, focused teaching, the transition out of teaching to group work and most importantly skills when students are in group work.
The gift of communication! Learn hoe to communicate to a person that they are heard and understood. Paraphrasing is the pathway to increasing psychological permission and development of relational trust.
Transformative Schools
Self-awareness and effective teams with necessary skill sets are two of the essential components necessary to begin the journey of a transformative school. Develop collaboration and learn the power of teams. Collaboration is key to transformative schools. Learn how to develop teams and enhance professional relationships.
Explore the introduction to the 7 essential abilities of effective presenters. Learn about credibility, rapport, how to acknowledge, respond and most importantly, recover with grace. This introduction can be a guide for you to develop next steps in your communicative intelligence.
Having Difficult Conversations
Yes, some conversations may be difficult and the skills outlined in this session offer strategies that help separate the issue from the relationship so you can work towards a common goal with dignity and respect while preserving the relationship.
Student Centered School
Student centered schools have a clear mission and vision. Vision is necessary to ensure social capitol and voice to all students so no one is marginalized in the school experience. The student’s experience is paramount; they need to have positive relationships with powerful teaching leading to academic excellence by the students. Learn how to utilize and direct resources based on the student needs not the adult needs. Students first!
Essential Elements of Effective Instruction
Explore the art and science of effective instruction. Practice using an effective lesson plan template. Explore the anticipatory set to activate learning, objectives, the purpose or why of learning, the input by the teacher content and procedures, modeling, checking for understanding, guided practice with support, independent practice, and closure.
Opening A Meeting
Imagine opening meetings with impact. In this segment you learn the think/do/say/feel frame as well as the choreography of the visual paragraph. Increase your abilities to be thoughtful, deliberate, and authentic as you open any meeting with any group.